Maryland Ss.
By his Excllcy the Capt Generall and Cheife Governor of the
same Province
fforasmuch as I am informed that litle or no Corne or Pro-
vision is likely to be Raysed or made this prsent yeare within
this Province and that severall psons make itt their buisinesse
to pcure and purchase Corne and Provision to export out of
this Province which may probably happen to the detriment
and great damage to the Inhabitants of this Province Bee it
hereby Ordeined Proclaimed published & declared that no
pson or psons whatsoever Doe export or cause to be exported
out of this Province any Corne Beefe Porcke or other pvisions
whatsoever without the Speciall leave or Lycence of the Capt
Generall of this Province ffirst had and obteined as they will
answer the Contrarie at their perill and that the Sheriffes of
the Respective Counties make Proclamacon hereof Given
under my hand and the lesser Seale of this Province the 13th
day of October in the 43th yeare of the dominion of Cecilius
&c Annoq Dom 1674
[Denization of Mense Stykelkan.]
Cecilius absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To all
psons to whom these prsents shall come Greeting in or Lord
God Everlasting Whereas Mense Stykelkan borne in the