and for so doeing this shall be to you a Sufficient warrant
Given under my hand and lesser Seale at Armes the twenty
sixth day of November 1666.
To my Lievtenant of Maryland C. Baltemore
for the time being.
By the Capt Generall of Maryland.
fforasmuch as by a late Proclamation beareing date the
sixth day of this instant June some Additions were made to
severall Countys upon the division of that of Baltemore
County and by the same proclamation it was then declared
that Swan Point downe to Hell point on Chester River should
be and remaine for the future belonging to that Easterne side
of the Bay lately erected and called by the name of Cecill
County upon further consideration hereof it is thought most
necessary that so much of the Easterne side as was formerly
added to Kent County doe still remaine and belong to the
said County as afore notwithstanding that part of the said
proclamation in wittnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my
hand and caused the lesser seale of this Province to be here-
unto affixed the 19th day of June in the 42th yeare of the
Dominion of Cecilius &c Annoq Dmi 1674
To all whom these may