Our Neighbouring Indians meaneing the Zachaiahs are in
much want of armes and ammunition as they alledge, and doe
say if not speedily supplyed they shall loose the ffort or Quitt
the same, they also desire a greate gunn to Alarm the Inhabi-
tants upon discovery of the Enemy I have nothing else to add
but the tender of my due Obedience Subscribe Ever
Your Lspps most Obedient & faith-
full Servt
I hope your Lspp will excuse my Rand0 Brandt
bad writeing being in haste and for want
of a place to write on
Charles County from the ffrontire plantations
in the woods Augt the10th 1681:
Thus Superscribed
To the Rt honble Charles Lord Baltemore absolute Lord and
Propry of Maryland humbly Present
haste post haste for his Lspps imediate Service
Certified p Rand0 Brandt.
James Smallwood pursuant to an ordr of this board the last
day makes his appeareance, who being duely sworne upon
the holy Evangelists saith That George Godfrey being at his
house said two or three times come lett's goe fetch him, they
haveing without doubt (as he the Deponent verily beleives)
been just talking and discoursing of Capt ffendall.
Robert Robins Called and their Depositions taken at
& Charles County Court read distinctly to them
John Martyn the which they both owne and acknowledge
Daniel Mathena called and Examined to what he is charged
with and hath Deposed before his Lspps Justice at Charles
County Court, and being asked what Indian it was brought
the Letters to his house saith he knoweth not his name but
as he is informed the Indian is dead, and further saith that if
he hath said any thing undecent or injurious it hath been for
want of witt
Ordered that Robert Robins and John Martyn Enter into
Recognizance to his Lspp the Lord Propry in the summe of
twenty pounds sterl each of them penalty to make their
appearance at the next Provinciall Court to testifye in behalfe
of his Lspp the truth of their knowledge against Daniel
Mathena. Who is committed into the custody of the Sheriff
of St Maries County by this foll precept
Maryland ss:
You are hereby willed and Required as also strictly charged
and Commanded to take into your Custody Daniel Mathena