408 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1681.
Lib. R.
he was idle and hath given the people occasion to say your
Lspp doth favour the Romans, and if any thing said by the
Protestants notice is immediately taken of them, I have
assured them that I would give your Lspp accot thereof which
gives satisfaction for the present
ffurther am to lett your Lspp understand that they think it
strange of the Proclamacon relateing to the sitting of the
Assembly notwithstanding your Lspp hath been pleased to
Signifie the reasons therein, to save their purses, they plainly
say there cann be noe Assembly without a new Election to
make a full house, and that this Assembly cannot contradict
what Lawes the former hath enacted, and this is frequently
discoursed amongst the people, which I thought it my Duty
to acquaint your Lspp with On Sunday last I reed: some
Intelligence from Zachaiah ffort of the fforreigne Indians
being there, the day following I went up with ffifty horse, and
comeing in sight of the ffort found all quiett, and calling for
the greate men the Sinniquos appeared in the Corne very
neare the ffort Our Indians Immediately fired at them severall
Vollies at their running off. but not a man killed nor wounded
as cann discover, the Enemy returned some shott again, I
Doubt they were upon a treaty My Self and six more
advanced to the ffort, and demanded of our Indians what
force they were, they did assure us six hundred at the least,
and did advise me to come into the ffort, which I did both for
their Security and ours, I ordered One of our Indians that
speakes good Sinniquo to tell them that I was Commanded by
your Lspp to treate with them being then in sight, and in call,
but they returned a scornfull answer as the Indian told my
Interpreter, upon which I demanded some of our Indians to
goe out after them but they all refused and would not send a
man; not a gunn fired by me nor any under my command in
this Skirmish, nor they at us, but they saw us and wee them,
that night wee lay at the ffort, in the morning we beate about
the same in Company with twenty odd of our Indians upon
discovery where I found a greate tract leading towards the old
Pascattoway ffort, they have done greate mischiefe in their
corne fields which I have viewed; The Neighbouring Indians
much rejoyced at our comeing and doe say had wee not
come they had been cutt off thatt night, I am glad it was my
chance to be at that juncture of tyme, I am sure it prevented
either an Agreement or destruction of our Neighbouring
Indians. Doubting of the Inhabitants of the ffrontire Planta-
tions I repaired to them and am now ready to Defend to my
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I have recd your Lspp Letter of the Eighth Instant and your
Lspps choice as to my Ltt is much approoved of