be alledged agt him in behalf of his said Lspp. Whereof faile
not and for soe doeing this shall be your warrant Dated the
twelfth Day of August in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of
the Rt honble Charles &c. Annoq Dmi. 1681:
Signed p ordr
p J Llewellin Cl Consil
The prisoner to be kept in safe close custody
J Llewellin
Nicholas Bede of Charles County being duely sworne upon
the holy Evangelists saith that on Sunday the Sea' night
before the men mett in armes at Church Daniel Mathena told
him there came an Indian to his house with two packetts of
Letters one as bigg as both his ffists and the other somewhat
smaller both in a silk grass baskett which the Indian left three
daies at his house & went into Virginia, that when he returned
he the said Daniel asked him whither he was goeing with
those Letters, and the Indian answered he was goeing to
Cannida with them to the Sinniquo Indians and the ffrench,
which he the said Daniel said himself and his wife would
sware, and further the Depont thereunto Sayth not.
Ordered that the Deponent Enter into Recognizance to the
Lord Propry in the summe of twenty pounds sterl to make his
appeareance at the next Provinciall Court to Give Evidence on
behalf of his Lspp against Daniel Mathena which he did and
his Recognizance taken by the Clk:
Ordered also that Ignatius Causin and John Stone of Charles
County gentl summon before them Richard Edelen Thomas
Mudd and Mr Marshall and examine them upon oath concern-
ing the words spoken by Richard Edelen at the Mill accord-
ing to Captn Brandts Letter, and accordingly issued this
following precept viz
Maryland ss:
By the Lord Propry and Councill
Whereas Information hath been given to his Lspp and
Councill that Richard Edelen of St Maries County lately in the
presence of Mr Thomas Mudd and Mr Thomas Marshall hath
uttered severall idle false Reports tending to the disturbance
of his Lspps peace
Ordered therefore that John Stone and Ignatius Causin of
Charles County gentl two of his Lspps Justices of the peace for
the said County be and they are hereby authorised and