4 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675.
Lib. R. R.
Territoryes and Dominions And of all the Castles, fforts
Navyes shipps places and things aforesaid by these presents
To have hold occupy Enjoy and Excercise the said Office of
Leivetennant Generall Cheif Capitaine and Cheif Admirall
Cheif Governour and Cheif Comander aforesayd with the
appurtenances unto our said Deare Sonne Charles Calvert by
himself or by his sufficient Deputy or Deputyes by him in his
absence to be apointed during our pleasure. And wee doe
likewise for the Considerations aforesayd, give and graunt
unto our said Deare Sonne full power and authority during
the time of his Exercise of the said Office before mentioned
by himself and his Capitaynes and Officers by him to be
appointed, to Leavy Muster and Trayne all sorts of men of
what Condicon or wheresoever borne in our said Province
and Dominion for the time being remayning, And in case of
Insurreccons assaults or approaching of any Enimy or Enimys
Pyrate or Pyrates or other Robbers, to make warre and to
pursue such Enimy or Enimyes Pyrates or Robbers aswell
by Sea as Land and to vanquish and take them and being so
p. 2
taken to put them to death by the Law of Warrs or to save
them at his pleasure, And to doe all and Every thing which
unto the Charge and office of a Capitayne Generall of an
Army or Admirall of a ffleete belongeth. And likewise in
case of any .Rebellion Tumult or Sedition, Either upon the
Land within our said Province and Dominions or upon the
Seas to Exercise, Martiall Lawes against all Rebellious Muti-
nous or seditious persons of those parts who shall refuse to
submit themselves to our Governmt or to serve in the warrs
or shall fly to the Enemy or forsake their Ensignes, or be
Loyterers or straglers or otherwise howsoever offending
against the Law Custome or Discipline Military as freely and
in as ample manner and forme as any Capitaine Generall of
an Army or Admirall of a Navy by vertu of his Office might
or hath accustomed to use the same. And further wee doe
give and graunt unto our said Deare Sonne full power and
authority during the time of his Exercise of the said Office
before mentioned for us and in our names as often as he shall
thinke fitting from time to time to pardon remit or release
whether before Judgemt or after all and all manner of Crimi-
nall offences against the Lawes of our said Province and
Dominions or any of them and also all and all manner of
paines penaltyes and forfeitures incurred or to be incurred by
any pson or psons bodyes politique or Corporate within our
said Province & Dominions or any of them for or by reason
of any Crime or Crimes offence or Offences Comitted or to be
Comitted against any the Lawes ordinances or orders of our said
Province heretofore made or hereafter to be made whatsoever