His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Capt Generall and
Cheif Governor of Maryland.
C: Baltamore
Comission Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
Leiveten- Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
nant Gen- Baltamore &c To all to whom these presents shall
eral & Cheif come Greeting.
of Maryland Know yee that wee in Consideration of the natu-
affection which wee have unto and of
the singular Duty and faithfull service, to us by our Most
Deare and welbeloved son Charles Calvert Esqr heretofore
Done and performed, and hereafter to be done and performed,
And for the speciall Trust and Confidence, which wee have in
the greate Prudence care conduct and ffidelity of our said
Deare Sonne, have Given & granted, And wee doe by these
presents give and Graunt unto our said Deare Sonne, the Office
of Leivetennant Generall Cheif Captaine Cheif Governour
and Comander and Cheif Admirall both by Sea and Land of
our Province of Maryland in the parts of America, And of
all our Islands Territoryes and Dominions, whatsoever in any
the parts of America, thereunto belonging. And of all and
singular our Castles fforts, ffortresses, fortifications Munitions
Shipps and Navyes in our said Province Islands Teritoryes
and Dominions aforesaid, And also the Custody and Cheif
Govermt and Comand of our said Province, Islands Territo-
ryes and Dominions aforesaid, and of all and singular the
Castles fforts ffortresses fortifications Munitions Shipps &
Navyes within our said Province, Islands Territoryes and
Dominions aforesaid being and Remayning or to be and
Remaine, and to us in any wise belonging or appertenning
together with all and singular the Rights, Priviledges Jurisdic-
tions Comodityes Advantages and Emoluments whatsoever to
the said Office and Goverment, or Either of them any wise
belonging or apperteyning, And him the said Charles Calvert
wee doe make ordaine and Constitute Leivetennant Generall,
Cheif Capitaine and Cheif Admirall both by sea and Land
Cheif Governor and Comander of our said Province Islands