A power was also at the same time given to the said Baker
(and annexed to the foregoing ordr of Councill to him
directed) to press boate and hands viz.
You are hereby Authorised and empowered to press Boate
and hands at William Hatches or else where in Charles
County for your more speedy passage over.
Signed ut Supa: JL1. Cl. Consil.
At a Councill held at Notley Hall the first Day of Aprill
1680: being Present,
The Rtt Honble the Lord Propry
The Honble Coll. Benjamin Rozer Esqr
Capt William Digges Esqr
Where also appeared according to appointmt the Emperor
and greate men of Pascattoway as yesterday. Thomas Baker
the Interpreter likewise gave his attendance according to the
ordr of Councill to him Directed
The said Indians give his Lspp to undrstand that they are
very desirous to make peace with the Northern Indians being
thereunto encouraged from the Mattwas Indians who had
promised if they would but come to them and bring some
presents, they would make an addition thereunto and vse
their endeavors to mediate a peace for them with the Jana-
dores or hazard their owne Lives for them, and to that End
therefore they the said Pascattoway Indians had provided
some presents wch they designed to send by some of their
Indians to the Mattwas, but first they desired to acquaint his
Lspp with their designes before they made any progress therein,
pursuant whereunto they had now made their Addresses to
his Lspp: desireing his Consent.
Which was granted and his Lspps: Letters Testimoniall to
the same purpose were given them as followeth (viz:)
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Province of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca To all Our
officers Civill and Military within this Province, and other