Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679. 263
York, The said Governr did request Creditt of yor Petr for
what the said Coll. Coursey should have occasion for. Yor
Petr was willing to assist the Governmt in what lay in his
power, and Did promise the said Governor to furnish the said
Coll: Coursey with creditt for what he had occasion, provided
yor Petr the fall ensueing should be paid in tobacco in St
Maries County at 1d p lb: and the said tobacco to be prime,
good, Your Petr did (upon that promise of his Honor the
Governors of such good pay) give the sd Coll: Coursey a Letter
of Creditt, upon which he recd: about 250l sterl: and for the
same yor Petrs Attorneys demanded pay here in St Maries
County, but could not gett any pay to be ordered them in the
said County, but I was allotted pay in Ann Arrundell and
Talbott Countyes, that the Tobacco lay soe remote that yor
Petrs Attorneys could not looke after the same was Damnified
by snow and other Evill Accidents, soe that here is above 30hhs:
of it lye in the Countrey, and that which was Shipp'd home
brought yor Petr in Debt. Yor Petr was lately taken by the
Turkes, his Children still in Slavery, when he came from
England he expected some produce of that tobacco, but found
himself in Debt thereby, had yor Petr been paid prime tobacco
according to the Governors promise it would have turned to
Accot to yor Petr Your Petr humbly Desires yor Lspp: and
Councell to consider the Deplorable condition of yor Petr and
since he hath disbursed soe much ready money for the Ser-
vice of the Countrey, that he may not totally loose it but that
yor Lspp. and Councell would consider of some way for yor
Petrs Releife in the prmisses as to yr Lspp and Councell shall
seeme best. And yor Petr shall pray &ca
Wch was Subscribed as foll: (viz.)
This Peticon to be considered off by the next Genll
Assembly, and to them effectually mooved for Reliefe of the
Petr And further whereas the Petr hath proposed to his Lspp
and Councill to Deposite the Quantity of tobacco wch he recd:
for the money he had expended upon the occasion within
mentioned, upon condition that the same money with Dam-
ages incident upon protested Bills of Exca might be reim-
bursed to him, His Lspp (in consideration of the great loss and
Lib. R
Damage he hath already susteined thereby) is willing to Dis-
burse the said Moneys with Damages as aforesaid provided
the Countrey by their Representatives doe first approve
thereof, and consent to reimburse his said Lspp the same
moneys, and in lieu thereof accept to take of the Petr the
same Quantity of tobacco as was allowed him, and in such
Counties as he recd, the same.
Signed p ordr
J LL Cl. Consil.
p. 93