Lib. R.
At a Councell held at St Peters October 9th 1679.
The Rtt Honble the Lord Propry
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble Vincent Low Esqr Survey. Genll
Ltt Coll: Henry Darnall Present
Coll: William Stevens
At wch time was read and heard a Peticon prferred to the
Councell board by Capt John Quigley being as foil. viz.
To the Rtt Honble Charles Lord Baltemore absolute Lord
and Propry of the Province of Maryland & Avalon, Lord
Baron of Baltemore &ca In his Lspps: Court of Chancery
The Humble Peticon of John Quigley of the Collony of Vir-
Humbly Sheweth,
Unto yor Lspp that yor Peticoner being out of this Province
his Kinsman, and Attorney John Deery of St Maryes City
Inholder Departed this life, making his Sister Elinor Deery,
his Brother Owen Quigley, and yor Petr his Kinsman his
Executrs and gave us all that he had. The said Ellinor Deery
and Owen Quigley haveing never been in this Province, and
yor Petr being absent one Garratt Vansweeringen of the City
of St Maries Inholder That was really and bona fide indebted
to the said Deery at the time of his Death, pretending himself
a Creditor to the said Deery to the Judge for pbate of wills
&ca and that the said Deery died Intestate, procured of the
sd Judge Adminrcon of the said Deerys Estate as of One
Intestate, After wch yor Petr arrived in this Province, and
undrstanding that the said Deery made such Will, yor Petr
exhibited a Libell before the said Judge agt the sd Garratt for
the vacateing the sd Admrcon: & prooveing the sd Will, the sd
Judge upon heareing the Cause pronounced the sd Deery
died Intestate, and dismissed the sd Admr with Costs agt yor
Petr from wch said sentence of the said Judge yor Petr appealed
to yor Lspp: in yor Court of Chancery as by Law he might, Yor
Lspp according to the Statute of the 25th Hen. 8th cap: 19: did
by a Comisso undr your greate Seale appoint and Empower
Baker Brookes, Henry Coursey, Thomas Taylor, and Benja-
min Rozcr Esqrs to be Comissionrs and a Court of Delegates,
for the reheareing and Definitively Determineing such cause.
The said Delegates haveing in Obedience to yor Lspps sd Com-
p. 94
miss. fully and thoroughly weighed and Considered the Evi-
dences of both sides, and the pleadings thereupon, and being
all Clearely Satisfied therein did pronounce publish and Declare
their ffinall Sentence, Judgemt and Decree which was, [The
said John Deery did not dye Intestate, but that the words by