262 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679.
Lib. R.
That for the space of neere twenty yeares last past Randall
Revell of Somersett County haveing obteined a grant for
3000 Acres of Land and by the Artifice of Coll Scarborough
his then Partner in the said Land hath in the Survey then
made mentioned the naturall bounds of a Neck of Land
wherein is presumed to be 10: or 12000 Acres of Land, by
reason of wch uncertaine bounds and the large pretended Title
of the said Randall and his false Clamors severall of yor Lspps:
good of this Province have been Defeated of severall settlemts
much to the Diminution of yor Lspps: Rents. And yor Lspps
Peticoner with severall others prepareing to Peticon yor Lspp:
for a warrant of Resurvey to lay out the said Revells 3000
Acres in hopes they might have leave to Pattent the remainder
according to the vsuall forme and Custome of yor Lspps: Prov-
ince, And the said Randall haveing notice given him of the
faire intentions of yor Lspps: Peticoners, The said Randall hath
besought yor Lspp: for an ordr to lay out the said Land to his
owne vse but never hath psecuted the same according to
the Intention thereof but delayes the same, thereby further
defrauding yor Lspp: of yor Rents, and Deterring yor Lspps
people from Inhabiting the same.
Yor Lspps: Peticoner does most humbly pray that yorLspp: will
please to command yr Secry: to grant yor Petn a warrt to lay
out the said Revells 3000 Acres and that he may have leave
(makeing good rights accordingly) to take up the vacant
Land and that he may have leave to Pattent the same in his
owne Name undr the vsuall Rents and Services of yor Lspps:
Province, And yor Petr as in Duty bound shall ever pray &ca
Ordered that Speciall warrant issue forth of the Secrys
Office to the Deputy Surveyr of Soffiersett County, to lay out
and Resurvey the Land of Randall Revell in the said County
according to the true bounds thereof and to certifie the certain
Quantity of Acres therein conteined into the Secrys Office
with all expedition Signed p ordr
JL1. Cl: Consil:
p. 92
Was then also prferred to the Councell board by Jacob
Liseler of New York Mrchant the following peticon viz.
To the Rtt Honble Charles Absolute Lord & Propry of the
Provinces of Maryld. and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore
&ca & his Honble Councill
The humble Peticon of Jacob Leslier of New York mrchant
Humbly Sheweth
Unto yor Lspp that the late Governor and Councell haveing
occasion to send Coll Henry Coursey Embassador to New
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