At a Councell held at St Peters the 2d Day of September in
the ffourth yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles
&ca over this Province Annoq Dmi 1679
The Rtt Honble the Lord Propry
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor Prsent
The Honble Coll: Vincent Lowe Survey Genll
Ltt Coll. Henry Darnall
His Lspp did then Acquaint his Councell that Tequassino
and Hatsawapp Indian Kings at Choptank had lately been
over to Sollicite his Lspp: to phibitt the English Inhabitants
neere to them adjoineing for selling any strong Drink to any
of the Indians Subject to either of them, Whereupon it was
Advised and Concluded that an Ordr should be drawne up
to that purpose and directed to the Sheriff of Talbott and
Dorchester Counties respectively being the two adjoineing
Counties to the said Indians, Wch sd Ordr was as foll. viz.
By the Lord Propry & Councell.
Whereas Tequassino and Hatsawap Indian Kings at Chop-
tank undr the Emperor of Nanticoque have sollicited his Lspp
the Lord Propry of this Province that the English Inhabitants
of Talbott and Dorchester Counties next to them adjoineing
may be prohibited to sell any strong Drink to any of the
Indians, Subject to either of them.
Ordered that the said Inhabitants be and they are hereby
Strictly Charged and commanded not to sell or otherwise
dispose of any strong Drink to any of the said Indians as
they will answer the contrary at their perill, and that due
notice hereof be given them by the Sheriffes of their sd
Respective Counties. Signed p ordr
JL1. Cl: Consil.
October 7th 1679
Then was Col. William Stevens Esqr sworne one of his
Lordshipps privy Councell.