over our said Province Annoq Domi One thousand six hun-
dred Seaventy Nine.
[Prorogation of Assembly.]
By the Lord Propry A Proclamacon
Whereas for seaverall Weighty and Urgent Occasions and
affaires relateing to our Self and the state and defence of this
our Province Wee did hold a Generall Assembly att the Citty
of St Maries the ffifteenth day of May in the ffirst yeare of our
Dominion &c. Annoq Domini One thousand six hundred
seaventy six Which ffor divers Consideracons us thereunto
moveing Wee did by seaverall prorogacons Continue and
Prorogue the same untill the Twentieth day of October Last
past which said Assembly the ffifteenth day of Novembr then
next ffollowing Wee did prorogue untill the second Tuesday
in May then next ffollowing Which upon the ffourteenth day
of March Last past wee did prorogue untill the Last Tuesday
in September next ensueing. Which said Last Tuesday in
September on which the said Generall Assembly should sitt
being now neere at hand and noe Urgent Occasions or affaires
relateing to the State or welfaire of this our province appear-
ing for the Convening and sitting of our said Generall Assem-
bly on the said Last Tuesday in September next ensueinge
Wee have by and with the advice and Consent of or Councell
determined and ordained, And Wee doe hereby fully resolve
determine and ordaine That the said Generall Assembly be
Prorogued untill the thirteenth day of Aprill which shall bee
in the Yeare of our Lord God One thousand Six hundred and