258 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679.
Lib. R. R.
offences aforesaid as by the Lawes used in this our Province
extending not to the Losse of life or member, And to Chas-
tise and punish the said persons offending in Lesser Crimes
and every of them for theire offences by ffynes Ransomes
Amerciaments fforfeitures or otherwise as ought and hath
been used to bee done according to the Lawes and Customes
of this Province or the fforme of the Lawes Ordinances
Statutes and acts aforesd Provided alwaies that in Cases wch
are punishbl wth Losse of life or Member or Wherein any diffi-
culty doth arise upon the Determinacon of the prmisses
before you or any foure or more of you as aforesaid Then you
p. 173
nor any foure or more of you doe proceed to give Judgement
therein but that in every such Case you send the prissoners
with theire Indictment, & the Whole matter depending before
you to the next Provinciall Court to bee holden for our said
province Whensoever and Wherespever to bee holden there
to bee Tryed, And therefore Wee comand you that you dilli-
gently intend the Keeping of the peace ordinances Lawes
and Acts and all and singular other the premisses and at Cer-
taine dayes by Act of Assembly appointed and in such places
as you or any foure or more of you as aforesaid shall in that
behalfe appoint you make enquiry upon the premisses and
performe and fulfill the same in forme aforesaid doeing
therein that wch to Justice apperteyneth according to the
Lawes orders and reasonable Customes of our said Province
saveing to us the amerciaments and other things thereof to vs
belonging And therefore Wee Comand the Sheriffe of the
County of Saint Maries by vertue of these presents that at
the dayes and places aforesaid Which you or any such foure
or more of you as aforesaid shall make knowne to him to
give his attendance on you, & if need require, to cause to
come before you or any such foure or more of you as afore-
said such and soe many good and Lawfull men of your
County by whom the Truth in the premisses may the better
be known and enquired of and therefore you shall Cause to
be brought before you at the said dayes and places the Writts
precepts processes & Indictmts aforesaid That the same may
bee Inspected & by a due Course determined as aforesaid,
And Wee doe hereby Revoke all former Comissions for the
peace to our said County Granted, And Lastly Wee doe
hereby declare that each and every of our Councell are Jus-
p. 174
tices of the peace and are hereby Constituted and appointed
to sitt as Justices of the peace as well in this our County of
Saint Maryes as in all other Countyes of this our Province
In Witness Whereof wee have Caused the Greate Seale of
our said Province of Maryland to these presents to be affixed
this second day of August in the fourth yeare of our Dominion