Lspps pleasure that those three nations provide thirty men (to
say) Choptico twenty, Mattawon Seaven and Nanjemy three,
forthwith to be sent to Pascattoway from thence to conduct
the said Annacostin Indian according to the Request of the
said Pascattoways, and that John Shankes of St Maries
County be Commanded to Signifie to the Choptico Indians
this his Lspps: will and pleasure, and that James Smallwood
Doc the same to the Mattawoman & Nanjemy Indians, who
is also to acquaint the Pascattoway Indians with this result of
his Lspp and his Councell to their request.
Two severall ordrs of Councell were accordingly Directed
to the said John Shanke and James Smallwood as foll: viz.
By the Lord Propry and Councell.
Ordered that the Choptico Indians Supply the Pascattoway
Indians wth Twenty men to help conduct back to the Sinne-
quas an Annacostin Indian lately come from thence (the same
greatly importing both the English and Indian undr this Gov-
ernmt And that John Shankes of St. Maries County forth-
with upon receipt hereof give notice to the King and greate
men of Choptico that this is his Lspps: will and pleasure Desire-
ing them to comply therewith upon Demand thereof made by
the said Pascattoway Indians Dated the 5th Day of June in
the fourth yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles
&ca Annoq Dmi: 1679: Signed p ordr
JL1. Cl. Consil.
By the Lord Propry and Councell
Ordered that the Mattawoman Indians ffurnish the Pascat-
toway Indians with Seaven Men and the Nanjemy Indians
with three in ordr to the conducting back to the Sinnequos
an Annacostin Indian lately come from thence, (the same
greately importing both the English and Indians undr this
Governmt) And that James Smallwood of Charles County
upon receipt hereof forthwith make the King & greate men
of Mattawoman and Nanjemy acquainted with this his Lspps:
will and pleasure, and also to advise the Pascattoway Indians
thereof, and that his Lspp and Councell have given the like
ordrs to the Choptico Indians for a further Supply of twenty
men, according to their request. Dated the 5th Day of June
in the fourth yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles
&c. Annoq Dmi 1679.
Signed p ordr J. LL Cl. Consil: