Lib. R.
fore to will & require yu Capt Gerrard Slye, and such others
as you shall think fitt to take with you for yor necessary aid
and assistance to goe forthwith to the house of the said
ffendall, and him there or else where in the said County
where he shall be found forthwth to apprehend and cause to
be brought before his sd Lspp: and his Councell at Manaho-
wickes Neck this Day. Hereby willing and requireing all
and singular the Inhabitants of this Province, and others
tradeing or resideing here to be aideing and Assisting to you
to the utmost of their powers in the Due Execution of
this precept, Whereof neither yu nor they are to faile as yee
will answer the contrary at yor perill Dated the 29th Day of
Apll Ao 1679:
To Capt Gerrard Slye High Sher. Signed p ordr
of St Maries County J Ll. Ch Consil:
Capt John Harris According to summons makes his appeare-
ance and being again sworne and Examined Deposed as foll:
That he heard Capt Josias ffendall say that he had been a
greate Sufferer by the Chancelor that he had been much
abused & held Downe a long time, that now the time was
come and he would right himself for that the times were now
Difficult and troublesome, and he should find Disaffected
psons enough at the Cliffes & the Eastern Shore that would
stand by him, and upon some other Discourse that they had
concerning ffriggatts that were comeing in for the Lord Balte-
more sd ffendall replied what need that, if he had but two or
three lines out of England he would secure him & send him
home without the charge of ffriggatts, all wch the sd ffendall
publickly uttered saying he cared not who heard him.
p Jno Harris