whatsoever and more specially agt his Sacred Majestic Our
Soveraign Lord the King of great Brittaine &ca his Lspp: Coun-
cell in Vindication of his Lspps: Honor and Innocency agt soe
black an aspersion Wherein themselves and his Lspps: Gov-
ernmt are soe neerely concerned thought fitt to sett forth this
following Declaration grounded upon one sett forth p the
Governor himself to the same purpose.
Beeing informed by a Declaration of the Honble Thomas
Notley Esqr Governor of this Province lately published for his
Owne and the Lord Proprys Vindication, that One Richard
Covill Marriner (who as Master of a Shipp traded here last
yeare) had at his returne to London reported that by ordr of
the Rtt Honble Charles Lord Baltemore Propry of this Province
of Maryland his Officers here had imposed an oath upon the
people here by wch they were required to sweare ffidelity to
him the said Lord Baltemore against all Princes whatsoever
but more Especially agt his Sacred Majtie Our Soveraign Lord
the King of England, Banishing all such who refused the sd
Oath. We thought it Our Duty not to be silent, nor become-
ing men of Common sense to lett ourselves & the Governmt
committed to our care lye undr soe foule a scandall, Where-
fore (having had the Administration of Justice in our hands
for Divers yeares before his said Lspp: made the said Notley his
Lievetenant here as well as since) Wee Doe Declare and
Publish that never any such oath was imposed or tendered to
any pson or psons whatsoever within this Province or trade-
ing here since we have here resided (which hath been for the
space of Twenty yeares at least) and consequently never any
man imprisoned or otherwise punished for refuseing to take
the same, neither is any oath or other tye of that nature to be
found upon record in this Province. This being the truth of
the case, and such as we hope may Satisfie the whole world
p. 73