paines & penaltyes in the Law against transporting ffrend
Indians out of this Province provided and Conteyned.
At a Councill held at the City of St Maryes the twelveth
day of December in the 41th yeare of the Dominion of Cecilius
&c Annoq Domini 1672
Present His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Capt Generall
& Cheif Goverr
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
Baker Brooke Esqr
Edward ffitzherbert
Then was the honoble Jesse Wharton Esqr sworne one of
his Lopps Councellors of this Province and tooke his place
The Councell ordr Proclamacon to issue to Certefy all
people that if they are any wayes prjudiced or Damaged by
the miscarriage of the Depty Surveyor if they doe not seeke
for Reparation in six moneths time after such miscarriage is
Comitted the person that is so prjudiced to be left Remediles,
against the Surveyor Genrall his Deputyes six moneths from
the Date of this pclamation for what is already done and six
moneths from the time that the injury is Done afterwards.
Vide pcl lib Councill H fol 121.
At a Councill held at the Citty of St Maryes Aprill 10th 1673
His Excellency The Genrall
The honble the Chancelor
The honoble Wm Calvert Baker Brooke Thomas Truman
Jesse Wharton and Samuell Chew Esqr Counclr
Then was the honoble Thomas Taylor Esqr sworne one of
his Lopps Councillors of this Province and tooke his place
[Commission to Robert Ridgely.]
By his Excellency The Capt Generall
Maryland Ss:
Locus fforasmuch as the Right honoble the Lord Proprietary
sigilli of this Province hath Revoaked his Comission of Prin-
Charles cipall Secretary of this Province graunted unto Sr Wm
Calvert Talbot Baronet in which was included the Clerkes
place of the Provincial Cort of this Province and for that his
Lopp hath left the Disposall of the said place to me, I doe