226 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679.
Lib. R.
Maryland the Eighth Day of March in the ffourth yeare Of Our
Dominion &ca Annoq Domi. 1678:
Was then taken into Consideration of meeteing of the
Assembly on the Sixth Day of May next according to the last
proroguation & proposed by his Lspp: whither it might not be
convenient to prorogue the same to some longer time finding
noe occasion for their convention soe soone whereupon it was
concluded and Ordered that the same be further prorogued
untill the thirtieth Day of Septemb: next And that writts of
proroguation accordingly issue forth. Next propounded by
his Lspp: what Sheriffes to continue in their Office for the
ensueing yeare and who to be elected in the roome of those
that should be remooved. ffor Calvert County Ordered that
Captt Bourne succeed Capt. Darnall in the Office of Sheriff,
ffor St Maries County the Councell will Consider thereof till
the last Day of the Provll Court, ffor Charles County Mr Wm
Chandler (if he can gett recomendations from the Comiss" of
thl County) then he to continue Sher. there, ffor Anne Arrun-
dell Mr Robert ffrancklyn Sher: in the roome of Mr John
p. 68
Welsh, ffor Kent County Mr Michael Miller (if he cann
obteine recumenddtions from the Comissionrs of that County)
to continue Sher. ffor Baltemore County it is left to the Comrs
of that County to recommend three persons to his Lspps choice,
the like ffor Caecill, Tallbott, & Dorchester Counties, ffor
Somersett County Capt Walker (if he can pcure recommen-
dations from the Comrs to remaine Sher. of that County.
A Peticon preferred by ffrancis Anketill viz. To the Rtt
Honble Lord the Lord Baron of Baltemore Lord & Propry of
the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon &ca
The humble Peticon of ffrancis Anketill humbly sheweth
That whereas yor Petrs ffather Decd had a warrt out of the
Secrys Office for five hundred Acres of Land by vertue of wch
warrant Majr William Coursey the then Surveyor of Tallbott
County did the 22th Day of Augt Anno 1659 in the County
aforesaid on the North East side of HarriSts Creeke in Chop-
tank River lay out for yor Peticoners ffather the sd Quantity of
Acres of Land wch either by his mistake in the Returne of his
Certficate or the mistake of the then Clerk of the Secrys
Office in writeing the Pattent for the said Land, hath rendred
the title to the said Land soe obscure that One Ralph Elston
Senr hath presumptuosly taken up and seated the same.
Therefore yor Lspps Peticonr humbly craveth a speciall Ordr
from yor Lspp: to the said Major William Coursey to empower
and Comand him to pfect and cleare the title of the sd Land.
And yor Petr as in Duty bound shall and will ever pray &ca
Wch Peticon was undrwritt as foll. viz.
Mr William Coursey is hereby Desired to repaire to Capt