right of appeale and bringing Writts of Error in Our Provll
Court as now by Law is settled. And Wee command the
Sheriff of Our said County at the said Dayes and places by
you or any four or more of you to be appointed as aforesaid
he cause to Come before you such and soe many of the
Honest and Lawfull men of this Bayliwick by whom the truth
in the premisses may the better be knowne and enquired
unto. In Testimony whereof Wee have caused the great
Seale of Our said Province of Maryld. to these prsents to be
Affixed the Eighth Day of March in the fourth yeare of Our
Dominion over Our sd Provinces Annoq Dmi 1678:
The like Comissn verbatim mutandis to every County.
By the Lord Propry
A Proclamation
Whereas We are Given to undrstand that the trade of Our
Province is greately Decayed, & that One great reason thereof
is that Debts cannot readily be recovered as matters in the
usuall Admrcon of Justice now stand which in the beginning
of the seateing of the Province was sufficiently effectuall by
the Cohabitacon or at least neighbourhood of the Justices of
Our Provll Court who then were noe waies hindered by
weather or other Casualtyes from giveing their Constant
attendance at the usuall Courts, which are frequent enough if
weather and Distance of place did not hinder their meeteing,
and soe inevitably cause frequent adjournemts
Wee therefore for the Ease and benefit of all his Majties Sub-
jects either resideing in this Province undr Our Immediate
Governmt or tradeing hither, and for the more speedy
recovery of Debts which is the life of trade. By the advice of
Our Councell have thought fitt hereby to Publish that Wee
have by Commisss undr Our greate Impowered certain
Comissrs in each County of this Our Province to hold County
Courts for tryall of all Actions of Debt ariseing within their
County & Drought there against the Inhabitants of that
County by whomsoever or whensoever Contracted whither by
Bond Bill or Accompt and to any value soever, saveing to
every man notwithstanding his liberty to prosecute in Our
Provl as formerly or in the said County Courts at his pleasure.
Whereof we Comand the severall & Respective Sheriffes of
the Countys to make publick Proclamation at the usuall
places in their Respective Countys, and then to leave the
Proclamation fixed in the place where their County Court is
usually held, Whereof they are not to faile Given at Our
City of St. Maries undr Our greate Seale Of Our Province of