Lib. R.
Dominion of the Rtt Charles &ca over this Province. Annoq
Dmi. 1678:
The Rtt Honble the Lord Propry
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor
Wm Calvert Esqr Secry
The Honble Present
Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyr Genll
Coll: Benjamin Rozer
A Comission empowering the Comissionrs of the County
Courts to try all Actions of Debt whither by Bond Bill or
Accot or Trespass upon the Case ariseing upon Accompt of
what value soever within their respective County Courts as
also a Proclamation pursuant thereunto Read and voted
Nemine Contradicente to pass and be published being as
foll: viz.
The Comission
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Mary-
land & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca To William
Boareman John Coode William Hatton Richard Loyd, Thomas
Gerrard, Joseph Pile, Joshua Doyne, Clemt Hill, James Bowle-
ing, and Richard Gardiner of Our County of St Maries gentl
greeteing in Our Lord God Everlasting. Know yee that
Considring with Our Self that this Our Province Depends
wholly upon trade, and that wee have not as yett Coine
amongst the People here Inhabiting to carry on Trade, soe
that the Mrchant and Planter are both forced to make many
Debts which causeth many suites at Law, As also that speedy
Justice in recovery of Debts is therefore the life of all trade
We have assigned you the said William Boareman, John
Coode, William Hatton, Richard Lloyd, Thomas Gerrard,
Joseph Pile, Joshua Doyne Clement Hill, James Bowleing,
and Richard Gardiner or any four or more of yu (whereof you
the said William Boareman, John Coode, William Hatton, or
Richard Lloyd are allwaies to be One) Justices within our sd
County of St Maries to heare and Determine all Causes or
Actions of Debt whither by Bond Bill or Accompt, or Tres-
pass upon the Case ariseing upon Accompt, According to the
Lawes and Customes of this Our Province of Maryland, And
therefore Wee comand you that at the certain Dayes settled
by the Law of this Our Province for holding Courts in yor
said County the said Actions you enquire into, heare, and
Determine, and after Judgemt Execution to award, Doeing
therein what to Justice appertaineth according to the Lawes
and reasonable Customes of this Our Province, Saveing to us
the Amerciamts and other things to us appertaineing and to
all his sacred Majties Subjects resideing here undr Our Imme-
diate protection or tradeing within this Our Province their