would make Demand of Wassetass for the reasons aforemen-
Wch Major Boareman having pformed He together with
the Indians Enter the Roome where his Lspp begins first to
lett them know that he was very well Satisfied with what they
had done yesterday. Whereunto they answer that they are
also alike Satisfied, and think good of it as doth his Lspp:
His Lspp: pceeds further to tell them that to preserve his
League with them he had made Demand of those two psons
wch they had delivered up yesterday that there was yett one
more of their Indians guilty of the murdr and was accused by
the woman her self before she died and whom Manahawton
did little before his Execution confess to be yett liveing in the
ffort his name Wassetass, and therefore to establish and con-
firm the League of peace and Amity betweene us his Lspp: did
Expect they should deliver him up as they had done the other
two and did now make his Demand.
Whereunto after some pause they consented and Desired
to know whither the said Wassetass should be brought and it
was resolved and mutually agreed on that he should be
Delivered to Coll: Rozer within Tenn Daies and it was there-
upon Ordered that warrant of Execution be directed to sd
Coll: Rozer in manner foll: viz.
By the Ld Propry & Councell
Whereas at a Councell held at Manahowicks Neck this 31th
Day of January in the fourth yeare of his Lspp: Dominion over
this Province &ca Annoq Dom: 1678: it did appeare to his
Lspp and his Councell there that Wassetass a Pascattoway
Indian was (amongst others) guilty of the murder Committed
on Daniel Conningham and his ffamily at the head of Pot-
tuxen River in August last, And fforasmuch as the Emperor
and greate men of Pascattoway present at the said Councell
did then and there promise and engage to deliver up the said
Wassetass unto Coll. Benjamin Rozer within Tenn Daies to
be pceeded agt according to Justice. It is therefore ordered
that the said Coll: Rozer (soe soone as he shall receive the
said Indian) cause him forthwith to be shott to death without
Lib. R.