222 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679.
Lib. R.
delivered up wch his Lspp reed: as a sure Testimony of their
His Lspp did then proceed by his Interpreter to lett them
know that he took noe pleasure in exposeing his Enemies to
a lingring Death but was minded to bring the murderers to
speedy Execution, And did Desire the Emperor and his greate
men to declare how they approoved thereof, To wch they
answered that his Lspp might doe as he thought fitt that they
were very well satisfied and did hope all might be for good.
The Interpreter was then ordred to tell them that if they
had anything further to Offer they might goe and consider
thereof to night and in the morning his Lspp would heare them.
Whereupon it was considered by his Lspp the Lord Propry
and his Councell here that Azazams and Manahawton by
undoubted Indian Evidence and other substantiall Circum-
stances appeareing and found guilty of the murder committed
on Daniel Conningham & his ffamily at the head of Pottuxen
River, and for that reason delivered up by the Emperor &
great men of Pascattoway be shott to death this Evening at
Manahowicks Neck Plantation and that ordr be directed to
Capt" Gerrard Slye High Sher. of St Maries County to see
the same Executed.
Wch ordr was accordingly issued and is as foll: viz.
By the Ld Propry & Councell.
Ordered that Capt Gerrard Slye High Sher. of St Maries
County take into his custody Azazams and Manahawton two
Pascattoway Indians and cause them forthwith to be shott to
death without Delay.
Signed &ca J. L. Cl. Con:
p. 65
At a Councell held as before Janry 31th 1678:
Prsent as yesterday.
It was proposed by his Lspp: whither or noe it were conve-
nient to Demand the Delivery up of Wassetass the other
murdrer he being accused by Manahawton himself yesterday
in the presence of the Emperor & the other great men before
he was Executed, And the onely pson accused by the woman
her self that was wounded little before her Death.
Voted that the said Wassetass be Demanded and that his
Lspp insist positively upon his Delivery but first it was advised
that Major Boareman should as from himself goe and Discourse
with the Emperor & the Rest of the greate men touching the
same, and to tell them that he did beleive the Lord Propry