At a Councell held at Manahowickes Neck the 30th Day of
January in the fourth yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honble
Charles &ca over this Province Annoq Dmi. 1678
The Rtt Honble the Lord Propry
|Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble Will: Calvert Esqr Secry.
Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyor Genll
Ltt Coll: Thomas Tailler
Coll: Benjamin-Rozer
Then mett together on purpose to treate with the Emperor
and great men of Pascattoway according to the result of the
Councell at their last meeteing, notice being given to the said
Indians to meete his Lspp and his Councell here this Day in
ordr thereunto, Who being not yett come his Lspp pceeds to
advise with his Councell touching the conference.
It was proposed by his Lspp: whither or noe they should
proceed to Any further resolution touching the said Confer-
ence with the Pascattoway Indians then what was concluded
on the last Councell Day before such time as they had spoken
with the Emperor and his great men, Which was voted in the
negative and that what was then concluded on to be delivered
to the said Indians was sufficient untill such time as his Lspp
should first have had some conference with them and heard
what they have to say and ppose to his Lspp:
It was likewise pposed that if the Emperor and his great
men should upon their addresses to his Lspp acquaint him that
his Governor and Councell (in his Lspps: Absence) had accused
them of breaking their Articles with us by laying the murdr