214 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679.
Lib. R.
Englishman shall kill any Indian that shall come unpainted
& give such notice & deliver up his Armes as aforsd he shall
dye for it, as well as an Indian that kills an Englishman, and
in case the Indians and English meete in the woods accident-
ally, Every Indian shall be bound immediately to throw
downe his Armes upon Call and in case any Indian soe meete-
ing any English man shall refuse to throw downe his Armes
upon call he shall be Deemed as an Enemy.
4thly The Priviledge of hunting, Crabbing, fowleing, and ffish-
ing shallbe prserved to the Indians Inviolable.
5thly If any Indian Stealeth an Hogg or Calf or other Beast
or any other goods He shall undr goe the same punishmt that
an English man doth for the same Offence.
6thly In case any Servants or Slaves runn away from their
Masters or Children from their Parents, and come to any of
the Indian Townes within the Territories of the Emperor of
Assateague or the Kings before mentioned, they shall be
bound to apprehend the sd ffugitives, and bring them to the
next English Plantation, to be conveyed to their masters, and
in case any Indian aforesaid shall convey or assist any such
fugitives in their flight out of this Province he shall make the
respective Mar or Mrs of such Servt or Slave such Satisfaction
as any Englishman ought to doe in like Case.
7thly The sd Emperor & Kings aforesaid shall not make any
new peace nor shall not make any warr wthout the consent of
the Rtt Honble the Lord Propry for the time being,
8thly In case the sd Emperor or Kings aforesd or any Indian
Subject to them belonging shall kill Ababco or any of his
Indians, or any other in peace & Amity wth the sd Lord Propry
shall be esteemed as great an Offence as killing an English
9thly That in case any Indian or Indians of any other nation
or nations shall come wthin their Dominions or Territorys and
shall by them or any other Indians undr them be entertained
& tht any of thm the sd Indians shall kill any English, or kill
or destroy any Hoggs, Cattle or Horses, or shall breake up
any English mans house & steale his or their goods, tht he the
said Emperor & the Kings aforesd shall be responsible for the
same, and in case hereafter they shall have knowledge of any
other murdrers tht killed David Williams & his ffamily tht they
shall be hereby engaged to del. them up to the next Magis-
trate to be him conveyed to the Govrnr as soone as found.
10thly That the Emperor of Assateague & the Kings of
Pokomoke, Yingoteague Muswattax, Amamessex, Acquain-
tica & Morumsco shall & will pay & del: at the planta (upon
wch Wm Stevens in Pokomoke now lives) called Rehoboth, to
such pson as shall be appointed there to receive the same by