Day of October in the third yeare of the Dominion of the
Rtt Honble Charles &ca over this Province Annoq Domini
To Mr James Rumsey Constable, Signed (locus)
in Calvert County Thomas Notley (Sigilli)
Upon heareing and Examination of the whole matter the
Substance gathered from thence was that the Peticoner & his
wife having had severall Differences betweene them wch could
not be composed Did severall Declare that they were fully
resolved never any more to live together, She Desireing an
allowance proportionable to what she had at her Intermar-
riage with him. He Declared himself willing to allow her
such a reasonable maintenance as the Governor and Councell
should think fitt to award her with Due consideration had to
his Capacity The wch at last they both referred to the Dis-
cretion of the Governor and Councell to ordr therein what to
them should seeme meete wch they would submitt to.
The Governor and Councell haveing Duely and maturely
considered the prmisses Did ordr viz.
By the Governor and Councell
Octob: 24th 1678:
Whereas appeared before the Governor and Councell this
Day Robert Leshley of Calvert County & Elizabeth his wife,
and Did both jointly and severally openly Declare that for sev-
erall Differences betweene them both publick and private they
were fully resolved never to cohabitt together again, and ffor-
asmuch as the said Elizabeth did Demand a reasonable main-
tenance to be allowed her by her sd Husband, wch he readily
consented to they both submitting themselves to the Discre-
tion of the Governor and Councell to apportion the same as to
them should seeme meete. It is Ordered
That the said Robert Leshley pay or cause to be paid
yearely and every yeare unto the said Elizabeth his wife for
and Dureing her naturall life the just summe of two thou-
sand pounds of tobacco for a maintenance and no more.
At a Councell held at John Bakers house at the Citie of St
Maries the 26th Day of Octob: in the third yeare of the
Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca Annoq Domini 1678:
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
TheHonble Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor Psent
Wm Calvert Esqr Secry:
ffrancis Lucus of St Maries County Widdow preferrs her