for John Lynch Mrchant to Mr Christopher Rousby in the
summe of 8500l tobo by bond for the Double quantity, and soe
indebted yor Petr charged a note upon the sd Thomas Tailler
to pay the same 8500l tobo out of the said summe of 13022l:
tobo wch the said Thomas Tailler promised to Doe and to pay
the remaindr to yor Peticoners Ordr
Yett yor Petr sheweth to yor Honrs that the said Thomas
Tailler hath not onely violated the Publick ffaith & neglected
to pay the sd summe of tobacco but hath suffered yor Petr to
be sued for the non-payment of the same to the great Dam-
age and Loss of yor Petrin his creditt and reputation being in
severall respects exceedingly thereby Damnified. And yor
Petr being soe sued and Damnified did at the last Court file a
Bill 'against the said Thomas Tailler to wch he refused to
appeare not being arrested, and now the Court being
adjourned for soe long a time yor Petr is like to loose his
Debt this yeare alsoe which will be almost the undoing of yor
Peticoner if not prvented by yor Honors
Yor Petr therefore humbly prays yor Honors consideration
in the premisses and to ordr him satisfaction out of the Bonds
given by the said Thomas Tailler to the Lord Propry for repa-
ration of his Damage, or to afford him such other releife
herein as to yor Honors shall seeme just.
And yor Petr shall pray &ca
Whereupon Ordred viz.
By the Governor & Councell
Octob: the 23th 1678:
The Peticonr giveing good Security in to the Secrys Office
in the summe of 4000l tobo to make good his allegation sett
forth in his peticon: the Secry is then Desired to Deliver to
the Attorny Genll the within mentioned Taylors Bond of
Sheriffaldry to prosecute the same in behalf of the right
Honble the Lord Propry to the End that the Petr may receive
Satisfaction out of the same for the Damages he hath & may
susteine for the reasons within mentioned
Signed p ordr and appointmt T N &c
At a Councell held at John Bakers house at the Citie of
St Maries the 24th Day of October in the 3d yeare of the
Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca Annoq Domini 1678:
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
William Calvert Esqr Secry:
The Honble Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyr Genll Prsent
Ltt Coll: Thomas Tailler
Coll Henry Coursey
Major Benjamin Rozer