And his Lopps Judge in Testimentary Causes likewise prayes
that they will likewise Settle these following ffees upon process
in his Court, omitted in the last Settlement of ffees. l tobo
ffor Drawing examinacons of Wittnesses p Side 16
ffor Drawing Definitive Sentences p side £ s d 16
ffor Seale of sd Sentences 02: oo: oo 480
ffor Subpa for Costs oo: 02: 06 30
ffor Execution of Definitive Sentence p side, 16
ffor Seale to said Execution 01: 00: 00 240
ffor fileing Interrogatories 40
Wch ffees being read and considered it was Ordered viz.
Octob: 21th 1678:
The foregoing ffees being omitted in the last Act of
Assembly made for the settlement of ffees, the Governor &
councell doe approove as reasonable & ordr the same to be
allowed Signed T. N. &ca
At a Councell held at John Bakers at the Citie of St Maries
the 23th Day of October in the third yeare of the Dominion of
the Rtt Honble Charles &ca Annoq Domini 1678 :
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
William Calvert Esqr Secry
The Honble Baker Brooke Esqr Survey: Genll - Present
Ltt Coll: Thomas Tailler
Coll: Henry Coursey
Major Benjamin Rozer
Came Garrett Vansweeringen & prferred his Petition
against Thomas Tailler High Sheriff of Dorchester County for
not having satisfied the Tobacco Due from the Publick in
that County to the said Vansweeringen Anno 1677 &ca viz.