By the Lievetenant Genll
Whereas I have (by and with the Advice & consent of his
Lspps Councell for Divers weighty and urgent occasions
relateing to the State and Wellfare of this Province) ordeined
& appointed the Genll Assembly of this Province to be held
at the City of St Maries on the Twentieth Day of this Instant
October, the sitting whereof may require some considerable
time, Dureing wch time not onely the Delegates and their
Attendants but other Persons haveing a Business at the said
Assembly, will be absent from their severall and respective
Counties, whereby the same may be much weakened; Which
the Indians (ready to embrace and watching all Oportunities
to Doe mischiefe) well undrstanding may probably take
advantage off and endeavor to assault the Inhabitants of this
Province in and about the ffrontire and Outermost Plan-
Wherefore I Doe hereby will and Require as also strictly
charge and Command you Coll: George Wells forthwith upon
Receipt hereof to give notice to all and singular the Inhabi-
tants of the ffrontire plantations within yor precincts, & others
obnoxious and lyable to the assault of the Indians, that they
stand upon their guard, useing all waie's and meanes possible
for their Defence and Security from any attempts of the
Indians against them Dureing the Sitting of the sd Assembly,
And that upon the first Discovery of any Indian Enemy they
make an Alarrne by ffireing off three Gunns distinctly one
after another according to former ordrs and that every house
within heareing thereof answer the same by ffireing off One
Gunn, and that upon such notice given all psons Doe repaire
with their Armes & Ammunition to the place from whence
the first three Gunns were fired to assist them (if need be) or
to such other Place or places as you or the other next Officer
then in place shall think fitt for the bettr Discovery of the
Enemy, and further you are willed and Required to continue
the Rangeing of such fforces undr your Command as already
are and hitherto have been employed in the said Service
giveing them strict and positive ordrs to range onely too and
fro among the plantations, and not to make any greate excur-
sions except upon the Discovery and in the pursuite of an
Enemy or the like emergent occasion And if any thing of
moment shall happen within or neere your prcincts Dureing
the sitting of the said Assembly you are then from time to
time and as Oft as occasion shall Require to Signify the same
with all Expedition possible to myself and his Lspps Councell
p. 46