further Ordrs and Instructions as the necessity of the affair
may Require. Whereof faile not and for yor soe Doeing this
shall be yor sufficient Warrant. Given undr my hand and
Seale this Eleaventh Day of October in the third yeare of the
Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca over this Province
Annoq Domini 1678:
To Coll: George Wells Commandr in chiefe of all his Lspps
Militia of ffoote in Baltemore County, or in his absence to
Major Thorn: Long of the same County, in the absence of the
said Long to Capt John Waterton, and in the absence of the
said Waterton to the next Military Officer in the sd County
either of Horse or ffoote, to be putt in Execution This
The same ordrs mutatis mutandis Directed to Capt Ninion
Beale at the head of Pottuxen River, as also to Ltt Coll:
Thomas Tailler of Anne Arrundell County (with an additionall
clause at the latter End requireing him to appoint some pson
or psons in sd County whom he should think fitt to take
charge of the County in his absence at the Assembly & to
put the said ordrs in Execution ;) And to Capt Randolph
Brandt in Charles County limiting his troope to range noe
higher then the Pascattoway ffort.
At a Councell held at John Bakers house at the Citie of St
Maries the 15th Day of October in the third yeare of the
Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca over this Province
Aunoq Domini 1678:
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble Wm Calvert Esqr Secry Prsent
ltt Coll. Thomas Taylor
Coll: Henry Coursey
Major Benjamin Rozer
Then mett together upon a Peticon preferred to them by
John Homewood of Anne Arrundell County against John
Welsh Sher. of the sd County & Samll Debauck his Depty for
illegally Executing and Deteineing a man Servant from him
the said Homewood undr prtence of Rents and Leavyes &
officers ffees desireing the Governor and Councell to take
the same into their consideration and fully to Examine the