196 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. R.
more County are Sufficient to lett the Indians see that we are
awake and watchfull, But we are likewise of Opinion that the
Rangers in Charles County ought to be ordered not to Range
above the ffort at Pascattoway any more and to keepe range-
ing between Pascattoway and the English Plantations That
the Officer that next marches out with the Rangers there and
all other the Officers with the Rangers in the severall Counties
on the Western Shore, be ordred to command the Inhabitants
at the severall ffrontire Plantations, and others if need Require
upon the appearance of any Enemy (that is any Indian) to
make an Alarme by fireing three Gunns after the ancient
manner, and that every house answer the sd Alarme by fireing
One Gunn, and that upon such notice all persons doe Repair
to the place from whence the first three Gunns were fired to
assist them if need be or to such other place as the Officer
shall think fitt, And fforasmuch as we are confident the
Indians Doe know our whole Magazine lyes at Mattapony,
and that it is possible the Indians may endeavour to surprise
that house first, whensoever they shall Designe any mischiefe,
Wee are of Opinion that Tenn men ought to be putt into
That house for the security of the Magazine. And for the
Security of the other Counties, we think they have done all
they cann, or we cann more then to send them Ammunition
for their Rangers and Armes soe as Waterton desires in the
Inclosed, wch we were bold to open Supposeing it might give
us some more light in our Indian affaires.
We have this onely to add concerning Alarmes viz: since
they have been long Disused it will be necessary for the
Officers first to warne the people to be punctuall in answering
them as aforesaid, and then to make a false Alarme or two
to try how they will observe ordrs and then sufficiently to
assure them that they shall noe more be cheated with false
Alarmes. As to Hugh ffrench we have him in hold and he
shall be sure to have his Desert. We have considered also
of the place for Sitting of the Assembly, and are of Opinion
that the State house will be the fittest place, and to that End
have given ordr for repaireing the Glass Windowes, and for
Divideing the Court Roome from the Staires, that we may
goe into the upper house without troubling the Lower house,
if the weather proove very cold we will provide a conveniency
to warme your Roome with Cole and soe we rest
Yor Humble Servants
Phill Calvert
Will. Calvert
Baker Brooke
Henry Coursey
Benja Rozer