On Munday October the 7th 1678 the Governorp Lettr Did
Desire the Advice of the Councell (then at St Maries) for the
settling of the militia in the severall ffrontire Counties for the
Defence and Safeguard of the Inhabitants from the assaults
and attempts of the Indians Dureing the sitting of the
Assembly wch was to beginn October the 20th 78 ;
To wch on Thursday the10th instant he recd, the foll. Letf
of Advice p the Post, viz.
We have recd: yors Dated yesterday together with the Letf
of Coll Thomas Tailler and the conference with the King of
Mattawoman and Chotike, and Coll. Douglas his Letr & yor
ordr thereupon relateing to Hugh ffrench; We have taken
the contents of the Lettr into Consideration and as to our
Security against any attempts may be made by the Indians
Dureing the time of the Assemblys Sitting We are of
Opinion that the Common Rangers now undr pay in Charles
County, Calvert County, Anne Arrundell County & Balte-
Lib. R.