Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678. 191
some other Magistrate or Magistrates in the said Collony and
acquaint him or them herewith, withall Desireing a Warrant
and such other necessary assistance, as may be convenient for
the Retreiving the said Indian Prisoner, Which if to be
effected The said Slye takeing the said Prisoner into his cus-
tody is forthwith to cause him to be brought well guarded
over to his house in Wiccocomico River there to be securely
kept untill such time as he have acquainted the Governor
therewith, and from him have reed: a Warrant for Execution
of the said Prisoner, It being the result of the Councell that
(soe soone as he shall be retreived) he be immediately putt to
Death without any further respite.
Lib. R.
A Letter reed, yesterday from Coll: Wells Dated the 23th
instant and another from Ltt Coll: Taylor Dated the 26th
instant relateing to another Barbarous murder committed the
19th instant p some Indians on three English men on the East
Side of Susquahannah River as they lay asleepe on the River
Side, read and taken into consideration.
That for prsent Coll: Coursey Commandr in chiefe of all his
Lordpps ffoote militia in Caecill and Kent Counties be advised
of the same, & ordered to take Speciall care for the Defence
of the ffrontires undr his Command that the said murdr be
represented to the next Generall Assembly for their further
consideration, that in the meane time Jacob Young or some
other pson or psons be Employed to make inquisition into
the same and if possible to discover the murderers and render
an Accot thereof to the Governor with all expedition, And that
a Letter be written to Coll: Coursey to that effect
Wch was Done and is as followeth viz.
Coll: Henry Coursey.
Having lately mett two or three severall times at the Gov-
ernors house about a murder lately committed at the head of
Pottuxen River wch from severall circumstances relateing
thereunto seeme to beare an ill aspect, we have fully con-
cluded to call an Assembly at the Citie of St Maries on the
Twentieth Day of October next, and have accordingly issued
forth Proclamation to the Several Counties with writts for the
Electing of New Delegates in the roome of those that since
the last Assembly are deceased, and Desire you will not faile
to come into the upper house at the same time, Yesterday we
recd: a Letter Dated the 23th instant from Coll: Wells and
another from Coll Taylor of the 26th instant touching another
murdr committed the 19th instant in Caecill County on the
East Side of Susquehannah River. Wherefore wee think it
p. 43