Tuesday in October next together with writts for the calling
of One Delegate in each County for that purpose to appeare
at the Citie of St Maries at the said time. It is thought more
proper that the same be Deferred to be laid by the Generall
Assembly the said Twentieth Day of October next, I doe
therefore by and with the advice and consent aforesaid hereby
will and require each respective Sheriff within this Province
to give notice to such Delegate in their County by writt soe
called as aforesaid that they doe not come thither on the said
first Tuesday in October as aforesaid according to the Tenor
of their former writt but that they faile not with the rest of
the said Delegates in each County to be and appeare at the
said Citie of St Maries the said Twentieth Day of October
next. Given at the Citie of St Maries undr the greate Seale
of the said Province of Maryland the Twenty Eighth Day of
August in the third yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honble
Charles &ca over this Province Annoq Domini 1678 :
At a Councell held at the same Place the 29th Day of
August Anno 1678 :
Prsent as Before
Ordered that One half of those men raised for the guard of
the head of Pottuxen River be forthwith Dismissed, and that
the other half (to say 15 onely) continue still in Service to
keepe rangeing or otherwise as Capt Beale from time to time
shall see convenient for his Ldpps Service and the Defence and
Security of the Inhabitants.
Some of the greate men of Choptico haveing two Daies
since informed the Governor and Councell that the Indian
Prisoner formerly delivered up by the Ernperor of Nanticoke
for haveing been guilty of the murder lately committed on
David Williams & his ffamily in Somersett County, is now
amongst the Rappahanock Indians in Virginia
It is Ordered, That Capta Gerrard Slye high Sheriff of St
Maries County (out of whose Custody the said Indian Pri-
soner was through negligence of his Keeper Escaped) take
with him two Choptico Indians (of wch their great men made
a tender) and goe over into Virginia, and upon his arrivall
there address himself to the Honble Coll: Nicholas Spencer or