Opinion & Doe resolve that the Assembly which was pro-
rogued till the Sixth Day of May next ensueing be sooner
called (the urgent occasions relateing to the State and Well-
fare of this Province requiring it) It is therefore Ordered
that writts issue forth to severall Counties of this Province for
Electing of New Burgesses in the roome of those that since
the last Assembly are deed: and that the Assembly be con-
veened at the Citie of St Maries on the 20th Day of October
next ensueing and that proclamation issue forth Accordingly.
Which was done and is as followeth viz.
By the Lievetenant Genll
A Proclamation
Whereas the last Generall Assembly held at the Citie of
St Maries in the yeare of Our Lord 1676: was adjourned to
the fourteenth Day of May last past and from thence p
Proclamation beareing Date the fourteenth Day of ffebruary
last past (for divers good causes and considerations then
thereunto mooveing) progued to the Sixth Day of May next
ensueing, and now for Divers other good causes and consid-
erations relateing to the State and Wellfare of this Province
of Maryland since Occurring and by my self and his Lord-
shipps Councell taken into consultation it is thought most
requisite that the same be sooner called and conveened (the
urgent occasions and affaires relateing to his Lordshipp and
the State and Defence of this Province requiring it.) I have
therefore p and with the advice & consent of his Lordshipps
Councell Determined and ordeined, and I doe hereby fully
resolve Determine and Ordeine that the said Generall
Assembly be held at the Citie of St Maries on the Twentieth
Day of October next ensueing thereof And I doe hereby will
and Require as also strictly charge and command all and sin-
gular the sheriffes of this Province forthwith upon receipt
hereof to make Publick Proclamation hereof in the most pub-
lick and convenient places within their respective Counties,
and to give notice to all and singular the Delegates & Depu-
ties by the ffreemen of their Countie already elected or for
that purpose to be Elected that (all Excuses sett apart) they
and every of the said Delegates come and psonally appeare
at the said Citie of St Maries on the said Twentieth Day of
October next ensueing to doe and consent to those thinges
wch then and there by the favour of God shall happen to be
Ordeined by the Lord Proprietary of this Province or his
Lievetenant Genll by and with the advice and consent of the
greate Councell of this Province concerning the State and
wellfare of this Province; as also to give notice to such of his