Pottuxen River, and that they might not thereby be Damni-
fied in their Cropps dureing their absence) the Governor
empowered Major Henry Jowles (p his warrants to be issued
forth to the severall Constables of the respective Hundreds
where those people doe reside,) to take care and see that
those within their precincts that were left behind and remained
at home should looke after and tend the Cropps of such as
were taken out upon Service. It is ordered
That the same care be still taken and that Coll Baker
Brooke for the better Execution thereof) issue forth his war-
rants accordingly of wch all psons concerned are to take due
cognizance, and punctually obey the same.
At a Councell held at Manahowickes Neck Planta in Wicco-
comico River the 27th Day of August Anno 1678:
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble William Calvert Esqr Secry
Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyr Genll.
The Emperor with three other great men of Pascattoway
then appeared According to Appointment last Councell Day
Of whom Major William Boareman the Interpreter was
Ordered to Demand their Answer to what had formerly been
offered to them in relation to the late murder committed at
the head of Pottuxen River wch as we had already told them
soe wee were still of the same opinion and had all the reason
in the world to beleive was done by some of their Indians.
To wch after severall long perambulatory Discourses p way of
Excuses they replied & positively affirmed that they were
altogether ignorant of it, and that notwithstanding they had
made all Diligent Inquisition amongst their Indians touching
the same yett could not discover that any of them had com-
mitted the same. Whereupon the Indians are Ordered for
some time to withdraw And the Councell take into considera-