At a Councell held at Manahowickes Neck Planta in Wicco-
comico River Munday the 19th of August 1678 :
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble William Calvert Esqr Secry
Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyor Genll
Benjamin Rozer Esqr
Then mett According to appointmt p ordr of Councell held
at the same place the 10th instant, the Create men of Pascat-
toway being also appointed to meete here this Day where-
upon the Councell consult and advise what necessary to be
said to them when they come, and it is resolved that they be
given to undrstand
That whereas a few daies since the Emperor and One other
of their greate men had been with the Governor and informed
him of some of their Indians being lately killed (as they did
beleive) p some of the Senniquo & Susquahannoh Indians,
and did then offer to the Governor severall matters of moment
to wch he did then give noe positive answer, but did assure
them that he would send to ffort Albany endeavouring to
speake with the greate men of the Sinnequos to know of them
what their designe was whither they resolved to hold their
Articles with us (amongst wch One was that they should hold
peace with the Piscattoways) & to continue their League, that
soe we may hold peace with the Piscattoways soe long as they
are willing and doe actually keepe the Peace made with us.
The Councell doe readily concurr with the Governor therein
and doe confirm and approve what he hath done, that Intelli-
gence is daily expected from Albany, wch when we receive
shall give them notice, but till then can give them noe further
answer as to that pticular.
The next thing to be offered to them being a matter of
great consequence was.
Lib. R.
p. 36