184 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. R.
That we have had three People (to say) a man a woman &
a youth lately killed at a Plantation about the head of Pottuxen
River, the man and the Youth killed Outright, But the woman
who lived severall daies after did before her death Declare
that One Wassetass (a Pascattoway Indian) in Company with
p. 37
three more Indians had wounded her, that upon the rumor
wch they themselves had made of the Senniquos being in these
pts and killing some of their men we had then at that very
time & some time before ptys of horse in Anne Arundel
County & other pts rangeing & scoureing the heads of the
Rivers who could not discover any fforreigne Indians or see
the least signe of them, that the Pascattoway Indians them-
selves had certainly been hunting in those pts and were scene
thereabouts the day before the same Day and the Day after
the murdr was committed that if any fforreigne Indians had
been there they must needs have discovered or mett with
them, that from the house where the murdr was Committed
was taken away the mans Clothes, his Hatt, a bundle of
matchcoates and some Tobacco out of a hhd wch stood in the
house wch was Tomohoaked and the Tobacco taken out that
the very same day were scene three Indians at a neighbour-
ing Planta One whereof had with him a bundle of matchcoates
& some leaves of Tobacco in it, that the Day after the murdr
was committed were discovered four Indians within two miles
of the house where the murdr was done, three of them being
Painted, that they mett with an English man and Enquired of
him whither Wassetass were in those pts and that at severall
other places about the same time the Pascattoway Indians
have been seen in those pts all wch we can certainly proove,
from whence and other circumstances concurring we doe
verily beleive and are fully pswaded that some of the Pascat-
toway Indians have committed the murdr That we had there-
fore sent for them to putt them in mind of their league made
with us Twelve yeares since in May last, One pt whereof
signed by the Lord Propry and the Governor that now is undr
the greate Seale of this Province we did suppose they had in
keepeing the other pt undr their great mens hands we had
ready upon occasion to produce, p wch Articles they are
bound (if att any time any of their Indians or others liveing
with them should murdr any of our English & they knew
thereof) to deliver up the murderers freely & of their owne
accord without demand by us made although we shall not be
able to proove it to be done by them but if we should first
discover the murdr and those that did the same, then are they
also bound to deliver them up to us without any trouble upon
our Demand, we being likewise bound p the same Articles
(if at any time it should be sufficiently prooved that any of