182 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678.
Lib. R.
The Councell to meete again at Manahowickes Neck on
Munday the 19th day of August 78.
London August10th 1678.
Lib. R. R.
p. 151
Mr Notley
The bearer hereof Mr Thomas Trueman has much besought
me that I would release him from his bond of good behaviour
given in Maryland, prtending that itt may be some prjudice as
well as a great trouble & affliction to him to live in my Prov-
p. 152
ince under the danger of a bond of that nature, he is very sen-
sible of his former miscarriages, which he desires may be
wholy imputed to his ignorance & incapacity of dischargeing
what was imposed upon him & not att all to any willfull
designe he had of bringing a mischiefe upon the inhabitants
& Province of Maryland; in which place he earnestly desires
quietly to enjoy what he has there, & to end his dayes in that
Countrey And because I have no desire that the said True-
man should imagine I have the least malice or prjudice to his
person, & that he should see that what I formerly did order
was only occasioned by the great exigency of affaires att that
tyme I am inclined & willing to shew him favour herein by
giveing you order hereby to discharge him from his Recog-
nizance of the good behaviour And you are therefore hereby
fully authorized and impowered to see that he be discharged
from the same; hopeing that his future behaviour carryage
& comportmt towards my Governmt & the people there may
deserve this kindnesse & favoure shewn him by
Yor affec: friend to his power
Supscription C Baltemore
To Thomas Notley Esqr
Governour of the Province
in Maryland.
Mr Secry Calvert
By vertue of an order from the Right Honble Charles Lord
Propry of this Province dated in London the tenth day of August
one Thousand six hundred Seventy Eight directed to me
impowering me to discharge Major Thomas Trueman of &
from his Recognizeance of the good behavior entered into the
first day of December in the yeare one Thousand six hundred
seventy six in the Provinciall Court wherein the said Thomas
Trueman stands bound to his Lordp in the sume of one hun-
dred thousand pounds of Tobacco & Thomas Gerrard &
p. 153
Justinian Gerard in the sume of fifty Thousand pounds of
Tobacco apeice that the said Thomas Trueman be of good
abearance as well towards his Lordp as all the good people of
this Province dureing his naturall life or at least his stay in