& privately done us severall mischiefs & fathered the same
upon the Sinnequos and other fforreigne Indians, and we doe
verily beleive that they intend to cover this murdr with the
same pretence, We rather beleive that a Warr with the said
Indians must consequently ensue wch we shall Endeavor to
manage soe as may be for yor Ldpps Honor and (as much as in
us lie) the Security and Defence of the Inhabitants from any
further Attempts, And the Establishing a firm Peace betweene
us and other Indians for the future To wch we shall not further
add at prsent, but Our Prayers for yor Ldpps Health and Pros-
perity We Remaine
Yor Ldpps most humble Servts
Tho: Notley
Phil. Calvert
Baker Brooke
Benj. Rozer
Whereas Major Henry Jowles (by vertue of an ordr from
the Governor to raise a Sufficient number of men as should
be necessary for the Defence and Security of the Inhabitants
at the head of Pottuxen River) hath raised sixty men wch by
the Governor and Councell (having fully considered and duely
weighed the Danger of those pts as to Indians) is deemed
too great a number for that purpose, for severall weighty
reasons concludeing that the Pascattoway Indians will not
Adventure to make any further Attempts upon them, soe that
a lesser number of men then is raised may be Sufficient for
their Defence at prsent. It is Ordered,
That One half of the said men be forthwith dismissed and
sent home, and that the other half (to say Thirty men onely)
continue in service, Twenty whereof to be distributed among
the Plantations for the Defence of the houses, & the other
Tenn to be constantly rangeing about the head of the River,
according to the Discretion of Capt. Ninion Beale who is
hereby appointed to Command the said number of men, and
to take Speciall care of all such Armes and Ammunition as
they shall receive from his Ldpps Magazine at Mattapony, and
that noe more of Either be delivered out among the men then
what shall be absolutely necessary for the Service they shall
be Employed in, & that the rest be secured till further Ordr
It is likewise Ordered that neither the said Beale nor any the
Souldiers undr his Command or others the Inhabitants in
those pts Offer any violence to the Indians if any they shall
discover unless the said Indians first make an assault upon
them but that they Onely stand upon their guard till further
Orders And whereas Col: Baker Brooke is now returned
Lib. R.