18 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675.
Lib. R. R.
Province such oath and oathes as is or are by us apointed to
be taken by such as are or shalbe Constituted as aforesaid to
be of our privy Councill of our said Province, and to Every such
p. 12
pson and psons respectively as shalbe at any time hereafter by
us or our authority be Chosen or apointed to be Judge or
Judges Justice or Justices of our Provincial Court of our said
Province such oath and oathes as is or are by us apointed to
be taken by such as are or shalbe so Constituted and apointed
as aforesayd to be Judge or Judges Justice or Justices of our
said Provincial Court. And wee doe hereby farther Direct
and require that no pson or psons now or hereafter at any
time Chosen or apointed or to be Chosen or apointed to
Exercise or Execute any the said Office or Offices trust or
Trusts before mentioned or any publique Office or Offices,
Trust or Trusts whatsoever within our said Province or
Dominions shall prsume or be Admitted to Execute or Exer-
cise any such Office or Offices Trust or Trusts before he or
they respectively shall have duly taken such severall and
Respective oath and oathes as is or are by us apointed to be
taken by Every Respective pson and psons Chosen or
apointed or to be Chosen or apointed to Execute or Exercise
such Office or Offices trust or Trusts which such pson or
psons is are or shalbe so as aforesaid apointed to Execute or
Exercise or be Chosen unto.
Item that the severall and Respective oathes hereunto
annexed be the severall & Respective oathes hereafter to be
Administred unto and taken by the severall & Respective
persons to whom they are severally and Respectively Directed
to be Administred unto and taken by.
Whereas Mr Augustine Herman now Resident in or sd Prov-
ince hath (as wee are well informed and satisfyed) taken great
paines and Care in order to the Draweing and Composeing
of a certeine Mapp or Card of our said Province & of the
Limits and boundaryes of the same, And is shortly intended
to print and publish the same, wee Doe will and Require you
that after the said Map or Card shalbe printed and published,
and in case upon the strict perusall and Examination of the
same you shall finde that the said Herman hath done us Right
in stateing the said Limits and boundaryes of our said Prov-
ince Justly and truly and pticulerly in the True stateing of the
said boundaryes and Limits in relation to Watkins Pointe and
Delaware Bay that in such Case you recommend the said
Herman heartily and Effectually in our name to the Generall
Assembly of our said Province then next after to be called or
summoned in order to the Receiving some Reward from them
for his said Paynes and Care, and that in the meane time you
assure the said Herman in our name that in case he doe us