At a Councell held at Manahowickes Neck Plantn in Wicco-
comico River the nineth Day of August in the third yeare of
the Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &c. over this Province
Annoq Domini 1678:
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble Baker Brooke Esqr Survey. Genll
Benjamin Rozer Esqr
Then conveened & mett together to considr consult and
advise upon the late murdr Committed upon Daniel Cunning-
ham & his family in Pottuxen River p some Indians; severall
Papers relateing thereunto from the Inhabitants in those pts
being read, as also the Deposition of John Burroughs who
came from the said Cunninghams house the eighth instant
being taken before the Governor then produced and read,
being as foll: viz: