The Deposition of John Burroughs taken before the Honble
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor the seaventh Day of August
Anno. 1678:
The said John Burroughs having taken his Oath upon the
Holy Evangelist of Almighty God Declareth that yesterday
about two or three of the Clock in the afternoone he was at
the house of Thomas Edwards at the Northern Branch of Pot-
tuxen River whither was then remooved Daniel Cunninghams
wife being desperately wounded by the Indians on Saturday
last the third instant at her husband the sd Cunninghams
house This Deponent asked her how many Indians there
were at her husbands house when she reed: the wound to
wch (being speechless) she made a signe by holding up her
hand and her thumb close, thereby intimating four He this
Deponent then asked her whither one Wassetass a Pascatto-
way Indian were there whereupon she lift up her hand and
putt on her head upon the place where she was wounded.
And further the said Deponent saith that he heard Mrs
Edwards mother to the said Conninghams wife say at the
same time say, that as she was discourseing of the murdr she
said that she did verily beleive that the rogue Wassetass had
been there and done the mischiefe, at wch the said Conning-
hams wife did then also lift up her hand to her head as afore
& further saith not Mark of
John (:) Burroughs.
from whence and severall other circumstances concurring it
was the Opinion of the Councell that the said murder was
perpetrated by the Pascattoway Indians Whereupon Ordred
That Major William Boareman Goe to the Pascattoway ffort
and acquaint the Create men that whereas the Emperour and
one of their great men had lately (to say the last weeke) been
to speake with the Governor to whom they had then delivered
severall matters of moment to wch he did not then think fitt
(without the advice of the Councell) to returne them soe full