the Inhabitants there not knowing the reason thereof, they
being together with us included in the made with the
Sinnequo Indians, Wee did therefore (not out of any Suspi-
cion or jealousie in the least that we harboured of them as to
their ffidelity toward us not questioning but as hitherto they
had done soe they would still continue to preserve their
League with us) desire to know whether indeed they had any
such designe and what the grounds of such their motion
might be to the End that the Inhabitants in those pts might
also as well as us be Satisfied & not Surprised at their come-
ing if their occasions should draw them thither.
At a Councell held at the Old Court house at the Citie of
St Maries the 14th Day of June in the third yeare of the
Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca over this Province
Annoq Domini 1678:
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble William Calvert Esqr Secry
Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyor Genll
Benjamin Rozer Esqr
William Stevens of Sommersett County Gentl: in behalf of
the Inhabitants of the said County did Peticon for longer time
to be allowed them for sueing Out their Pattents according
to his Ldspps gracious Declaration sett forth in June Anno
1676: the time therein mentioned & limitted being Elapsed
wch by reason of the late troubles p the Indians in those pts
the People that had occasion to make use of his Ldpps. favor
therein could not accomplish their Business in time, to their
great damage, It was the Opinion of the Councell (for severall
reasons alleadged p the said Stevens in his Peticon, & for the
better Satisfying the minds of the Inhabitants and more firm
settling of their Estates) that Eight moneths time longer be
allowed them to effect the same, and that noe advantage be
taken of the Lapse of time before by his Lpp granted them,
Whereupon the Governor issued forth the following Ordr to
the Secry viz.