[Treaty with Nanticokes.]
Articles of peace and amity concluded & agreed upon
between the Right Honble Charles Lord & Propry of this Prov-
ince &c. And Vnnacokassimon Emperor of Nantecoke this
28th of March 1678.
imprimis, I is agreed upon that from this Day forward there
be an Inviolable peace & amity between the Right Honble the
Lord Propry of this Province & the Emperor of Nantecoke
upon the articles hereafter in this treaty to be agreed upon
to the worlds end to endure & that all former acts of hostility
& Damages whatsoever by either party sustained be buried in
perpetuall oblivion
2. That the said Emperor of Nantecoke shall deliver up all
Indians that shall come into his Dominion that are or shalbe
Enemies to the English and further that if any Indian Subject
to the said Emperor shall hereafter kill an English man that
the said Emperor shall be obliged to deliver such Indian up
to the Governor of this Province as a prisoner.