Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1678. 163
desertion in your partes Then you are imediatly to dispatch
away the intelligence thereof to me with all expedicon Other-
wise if you finde that only some party of them have comitted
this murder, you are then to demand satisfaction for the same
locus And that the authors thereof may be delivered upp to
sigilli you An exact account whereof as also of the true state of
Thomas affaires there you are from tyme to tyme to render to
Motley me or to me & his Lordpps Councell in convenient tyme
And whereas itt so happens that I am somewhat remote from
your parts so that sometymes imediate orders & instruccons
from my selfe may not come tyme enough to yor hands You
are hereby ordered willed & required to follow & observe all
such further orders & instruccons as you shall receive from
either myselfe & his Lordpps Councell or from his Lordps Coun-
cell only in the pursuance of yor Comission Given under my
hand & Seale this Seventeenth day of ffebruary in the third
yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles &c over this
Province Annoq Dom. one thousand six hundred seventy seven.
By the inclosed from the Governour you are fully instructed
how to demeane your selves in this affaire of the murder of
Williams & his ffamily, & the provideing for your further
securityes: We have only this to add in explanacon of the
order in that clause which impowers you to demand the
murderers, you are to understand that you must first make a
diligent & due Enquiry who are the murderers & how strong
their party is ere you demand them, & not upon slight
presumptions to hazard a denyall when perhaps you may not
demand the partyes that perpetrated the murder To the rest
of the order there is little of explanacon needfull, but in case
Lib. R. R.
you Col Coleborne Mr Walker & Mr Stevens cannot meet
together, that the first of them that shall receive these doe
imediatly (or att least with all speed that an affaire of this
importance will permitt certifie us according to the order from
the Governor of the true state & condition of yor County &
the affaires thereof, certainly in this affaire being absolutely
necessary to ground our future resolutions The Court will
probably hold till Thursday or Friday night, wherefore we
should be glad to heare from you while the Councell is
together that if need be we may effectually assist you. So
wee cofnitt you to Gods protection, & rest
ffrom St Maryes Yor assured friends
ffeb. 18th 1677 Philip Calvert
Wm Calvert
Baker Brooke
Tho: Taillor
Benja Rozer
p. 131