160 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1676-1768.
Lib. R. R.
the Clerkes of each respective County are hereby willed &
required to transmitt unto the Honble Thomas Notley & Ben-
jamin Rozer Esqr his Lordpps Receivers genll by the first day of
July next ensueing the date hereof a true & just extract of all
p. 149
such ffines & Amerciamts as are due unto his Lordpp the Lord
Propry from the severall persons within their respective Coun-
tyes, & not yet satisfied or remitted And that they doe yearely
& every yeare hereafter att or before the first day of Octobr
in each respective yeare transmitt unto his said Lordpp to his
Lievt genll or to his Receivers genll for the tyme being a true &
perfect extract of all such ffines & Amerciamts as shall or may
hereafter become due & payable to his said Lordpp from the sev-
erall persons within their respective Countyes Every Clerke or
Clerkes refuseing or neglecting to transmitt such true Extract
of the ffines & Amerciamts within their respective Countyes as
aforesaid by the tyme before lymitted, shall not only loose his
or their place or places of Clerkeshipp, but also be lyable to
such other fines & penaltyes as the Justices of the Provinciall
Court shall thinke fitt to inflict upon them for their contempt
And the Sheriffes of each respective County are hereby willed
& required in due tyme to make Proclamacon hereof in the
most publick & convenient places within their respective Coun-
tyes, to the end that all persons herein concerned may not plead
ignorance for their neglect or contempt, if they shall not punc-
tually observe and effectually performe what they are hereby
required. Given att the Citty of St Maryes under the great
Seal of this Province the thirteenth day of ffebruary, in the
third yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles abso-
lute Lord & Propry of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon
Lord Baron of Baltemore &c Annoq Dmi 1677.
p. 160
Charles &c To all the Inhabitants of Our Province of Mary-
land Greeting whereas wee did Purpose and Intend, to hold
a Generall Assembly of the ffreemen and Delegates of our
said Province of Maryland, att Our Citty of St Maryes the
second Tuesday in May next Ensuing the date thereof which
said day being neere att hand for severall weighty and urgent
Occations and affaires Relating to us, Wee have by the Advice
and Consent of Our Privy Councell of our said Province of
Maryland thought fitt and doe hereby declare and Publish,
that the same Generall Assembly shalbe and is hereby Pro-
rogued, from the said second Tuesday in May next untill the
sixth day of May which shalbe in the yeare of Our Lord One
thousand six hundred seaventy nine whereof as well Our
members of Our Upper House of Assembly, as alsoe all the
Deputys and Deligates of Our Lower house of Assembly,