16 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675.
Lib. R. R.
oathes as is and are by our order and apointmt to be adminis-
tred unto and taken by our Leivetennant Generall there.
And also such as by like order and apointmt are now by us
Directed to be and taken by such as by our Authority are
apointed or authorised to sit and be Judges Justices or
Comissioners of our said Provinciall Court. And also to give
and Administer unto our said Principall Secretary such oath
as by our order and apointmt is to be Administred unto or
taken by our Principall Secretary of our said Province, And
also to give and Administer unto our said Principall Secretary
and all others ordained Constituted or apointed by us to be
of our privy Counsell or of the privy Councell to or Leiveten-
nant Generall and to sit and be Judges and Justices of our
said Court such pticuler and respective oath and oathes as by
our apointmt and ordr is to be Administred unto and taken by
such as are or shalbe Chosen or apointed by us to be of our
privy Councill there, and also such oath and oathes as are by
us directed to be administred unto and taken by such as wee
have apointed and authorised to sit as Judges Justices or
Comissioners of our said Provincial Court.
Item that you seriously take into your Consideration to finde
and speedily to propose unto us some Convenient way of and
for the making of some visible distinction and Distinctions
betweene you our Leivetennant Generall our Chancelor Prin-
cipall Secretary, Generall Officers Councellors Judges &
Justices and the Rest of the people of our said Province
Either by the wearing of habbits Meddalls or otherwise.
Item wee doe further Direct order and appointe by these
prsents that if at any time in our absence from our said Prov-
ince our Leivetennant Generall of our said Province for the
time being shall happen to dy without having power from us
to appointe some pson or psons to succeed him in the Exer-
cise & Execution of the said Office and the powers thereto
belonging or without appointing some pson or psons to
succeed him as aforesaid that in all and Every such Case and
Cases hapning it shall and may be lawfull and wee doe hereby
authorise and give power unto our Privy Councill of our said
Province for the time being to Elect and appointe some pson
or psons of our Councill for the time being, and residing in or
sd Province to Exercise and Execute the Office of Lt Generall
and Cheif Governor of our said Province untill wee or our
p. 11
heires or assignes Lord and Proprietary Lords & Proprie-
taryes of the said Province shall Constitute a Leivetennant
Generall and Cheif Governor of the said Province to succeed
the pson so happening to dy as aforesaid, And wee doe hereby
authorise such pson or psons so to be apointed by our said
Councill to Exercise and Execute the said Office according to