Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1671-1675. 15
of Port Dutyes of from and upon all and all manner of Shipps
and vessells Coming or Tradeing or hereafter to come or
Trade in or to any place or places within our said Province
& Dominions & in pticuler in or upon Patomeke River or any
pt thereof, as well on that side of the said River which Runneth
or bordereth upon Virginia, as on that syde of the said River
which runneth or bordereth upon our said Province of Mary-
land, and for the speedy payment of the same, into the hands
of our Treasurer or Receiver Generall to be appointed by us
or our said Deare Sonne for our use.
Item that you Considder by all the wayes and meanes you
can touching the finding out and appointing a certeine Com-
petent number of pticuler places in or upon the severall and
Respective Rivers of our said Province most Convenient for
the Loding and freighting unloading and Disburdening of
shipps and Convenient for Ports and Keyes, to the End wee
may appointe a certeyne competent number of certeine and
setled Ports in Every such River for the benefit of Trade and
for the Ease and security of Marchants in the way of Trade,
with Exclusion to all other places and with an Expresse
prohibition to all psons to loade or unloade any ship or
vessell Marchandize or Marchandizes in any other place or
places within our Province aforesaid, and that you signify unto
us with all Convenient speed your Judgemts & opinions in
Relacon to the same.
Item that before the Execution of any the Offices powers
authorityes and Comissions by us now lately given graunted
or Conferred or Directed to be graunted given or confirmed
to or upon you our Leivetennant Generall Chancelor Princi-
pall Secretary officers of State or Govermt or in Relacon to
the Administration of Justice in our Provinciall Courts you
Lib. R. R.
doe all of you severally take the oath and oathes respectively
by us Directed to be taken by and Administred unto all and
singuler such Respective Officers of State Goverment or
Justice Respectively, wherefore wee doe hereby authorise and
apointe you our said Leivetennant Generall to give and
Administer such oath and oathes unto our said Deare Brother
as are by our orders and apointmt to be administred unto and
taken by our Chancelour of our said Province, and unto such
as are to sit and be of our said Privy Councell, and likewise
such oath as wee have Directed to be administred to our
Judges Justices or Comissioners of our said Provinciall Court
and wee doe hereby likewise authorise and apointe our said
Deare Brother after he shall have beene so sworne as aforesaid
and shall have taken the said severall and respective oathes
hereby appointed to be Administred unto him as aforesaid to
give and Administer unto our said Deare Sonne such oath and
p. 10