same to take due Cognizance of the same And that all per-
sons whatsoever within the severall respective Countyes &
prcincts that shall offend therein or act contrary to the true
intent & meaning hereof they binde to their good behaviour
causeing him or them so offending to give good security for
the same & for his or their appearance att the next Provinciall
Court to be holden for this Province after such offence done
& comitted Given att the Citty of St Maryes under the
greater Seale of this Province the second day of October in
the second yeare of the dominion of the right Honble Charles
&c over this Province Annoq Dom. 1677.
By the Lievt Genll
A Proclamacon.
Whereas att the laying of the publick Levy of this Province
for these two yeares last past, itt hath been the custome &
practice of severall the Sheriffes wthin this Province to bring
in rebatemts for severall persons returned in their lists of
Titheables alleadging that they are runaway or dyed insolvent
which is thought to happen meerly through the remisnes &
negligence of the Sheriffes themselves not takeing care to
secure or collect the same in due tyme, prsumeing that they
shall be allowed for the same in the publick levy. For